Building from Source


JDK 8+ (x86)

Make sure you have a JDK 8+ (Windows x86) installed on your machine, you can download it from Oracle:

Check out sources

Checkout the code from GitHub and switch to the develop branch:

git clone
cd O2Xfs
git checkout develop

Go to the project root directory and create a new file

Add a property which points to your JDK 8+ (x86), e.g.: Files (x86)/Java/jdk1.8.0_51

This tells Gradle to use the specified JDK for building and running tests.

Compile and test

./gradlew build

… and discover more commands with ./gradlew tasks.

Visual Studio

You can download Visual Studio from Microsoft:

Visual Studio Community is free for open source projects and will do just fine.


In order to compile test binaries we have to provide the C header files for every XFS version under test.

Use xfs-sdk.ps1

The repository root contains a PowerShell script xfs-sdk.ps1 which the CI-Build server uses to retrieve and extract all necessary SDKs. In order to work you must have 7-zip installed. If you run xfs-sdk.ps1 without parameters, 7z.exe must be present in the environment PATH. The default directory for all XFS SDKs is C:\XFS SDKs. Optionally xfs-sdk.ps1 offers to parameters to configure behaviour:

-sevenZipPath [Path to 7z.exe] lets you specify the path to 7z.exe. -sdkPath [Destination path for XFS SDKs] lets you specify the path where the XFS SDKs gets extracted.

Manual setup

So go ahead an download the following SDKs into a directory (e.g. C:\XFS SDKs):

XFS Release 3.03
XFS Release 3.10
XFS Release 3.20
XFS Release 3.30

Extract all files in the ZIP archives, you should have the following files:


The next step is to extract the C header files from the various install packages without installing them. This is especially tricky for the XFS Release 3.03 (Install.EXE).

The Install.EXE of Release 3.03 is a self-extracting CAB file, so most Unpackers like WínRAR recognize the format. So either extract the contents of Install.EXE with a program like WinRAR or go ahead an run the following command:

Install.EXE /s /f"C:\XFS SDKs\"

First thing you notice is a UAC Pop-Up, you must confirm to proceed. Then you should see the progress of the extraction. After the files are extracted, the actual XFS Manager SDK installer launches. Cancel the installation, since we should have the files we need.

With the contents of Install.EXE extracted, there should be three new files:


You can now simply extract the contents of the MSI file by running following command:

msiexec /a "C:\XFS SDKs\XFS_Manager_SDK.msi" /qb TARGETDIR="C:\XFS SDKs\SDK303"

That’s it, the INCLUDE directory should be under the following path .\SDK303\Common\XFS\SDK\INCLUDE. Now for the other three SDKs run the following commands:

"C:\XFS SDKs\XFS310SDKInstall.exe" /a /s /v"/qn TARGETDIR=\"C:\XFS SDKs\SDK310\""
msiexec /a "C:\XFS SDKs\SDK320.msi" /qn TARGETDIR="C:\XFS SDKs\SDK320"
msiexec /a "C:\XFS SDKs\SDK330.msi" /qn TARGETDIR="C:\XFS SDKs\SDK330"

Add a property xfsSdkDir to which contains the path to any XFS SDK, the default value is C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/XFS, e.g.:

xfsSdkDir=C:/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/XFS

Next we have to set properties for our XFS SDKs:


Now you should be able to build the native binaries with gradle:

.\gradlew.bat -b at.o2xfs.win32\build-native.gradle clean build
.\gradlew.bat -b at.o2xfs.xfs\build-native.gradle clean build
.\gradlew.bat -b o2xfs-xfs3\build-native.gradle clean build
.\gradlew.bat -b at.o2xfs.ctapi\build-native.gradle clean build


The CI build server always builds and publishes the native artifacts. So if you are running into issues building native artifacts, check the CI build script appveyor.yml.